To avoid delays in transit, as well as fines or additional charges, ensure those of your officers and crew who may come in contact with Panama Canal Authority (ACP) personnel wear protective masks.

See the ACP’s Advisory to Shipping No. A-19-2020 for full details.

Capas is our partner in Panama for your port calls in: Bahía Las Minas (Terminal Granalera & Chevron), Colón 2000, Colón Container Terminal ,Oil Tanking, Manzanillo International Terminal, Melones Oil Terminal, P.P.C. Balboa & Drydock MEC, Patsa & Potsa, PPC Christóbal & Telfer Tanks, PSA, PTP Charzo Azul, PTP Chiriquí Grande, Taboguilla.

Do you have vessels in Panama? Contact MasOceans SA and together with our local partners in Panama, Capas E.E.V., we shall get back to you with a solution.


Martaxelle Erussard | | +41 (0) 79 658 1504