Around the world in 20 agents 👇 …a roundup of the latest, most pressing news from our local agents:

🌾Renegotiation of the Black Sea Grain Corridor agreement (UKRAINE) – 17th July 2023

⚫Is night navigation possible in MOMBASA, Kenya? ✔Yes, it is now, thanks to the efforts of our agent

🚢 SUEZ CANAL modification of the stay and berthing fees on vessels waiting for more than 48 hours in waiting areas of the Suez Canal (Port Said)

PANAMA CANAL lineup & auction results: message our team to be added to our shipping alerts and insights distribution list for updates to your inbox

🔴China crude oil waiting time at QINGDAO (Dongjiakou) – 3-5 days (D12) and 15 days (D22) – as at 5th July 2023 (for the full report, message our team)

☠Piracy attack at night on 30th June, targeting the MV Hailufen and Oya 1, which were at anchorage at DOUALA port – the port’s ISPS level remains at 1️⃣

Getting pertinent information from the ground is just one of the differences working with local, committed agents makes for our customers. Here are some of the others:

✔ Solve your shipping problems before they have even happened
✔ Be your point of contact, speaking your language, in your time zone and the local language in your port of call
✔ Raise the level of service by showing you what our proven local agents can do


Do you need someone who will solve your shipping problems before they have even happened? If so, contact MasOceans SA, and together with our local partners your port calls will run smoothly in:

Argentina, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Italy, Kenya, Kuwait, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, North Africa, Oman, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand Turkey, UK, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, USA, Vietnam and West Africa.

➡️ Book a port call with Martaxelle Erussard or Rubén Viciano
📞 +41 (0) 22 552 0051
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