💪 My Wrist May Be Broken, But Not My Spirit!

This week I learned that sport isn’t always good for your health. My right wrist (and I am right-handed) was injured during a run 🏃‍♀️.

But enough about my wrist; let’s dive into our latest Port Pulse, with news from around the world and answers to a question from an operator in my network…


📜 PANAMA – President José Raúl Mulino was sworn in on Monday, 1st July. The outlook appears positive; however, initial acts and signals show some contradictions. Our local agents, CAPAS EEV, CORP. – Shipping Agency, are analyzing the situation to see how the new presidency may impact the Panama Canal. We shall keep you posted.


🚢 ARGENTINA – Several vessels have run aground in the Panama River over the past few weeks, most recently the ‘Stadion II’ which ran aground on 30th June in 9.86 meters draft. Currently, traffic is relatively light as we are outside peak periods for soybean and corn transportation. Caution must be taken regarding the draft limits and maintaining required keel clearance distances.


🪣 BRAZIL – Hold cleaning standards and services vary widely, from the biggest ports like Santos and Rio Grande to more remote, smaller ports like Manaus in the Amazon, where infrastructure is much more limited. Strategic hold cleaning planning is advisable to avoid issues and delays.


🚢 VLCC – Here’s a list of ports in the Mediterranean that can accommodate Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs):

  • SPAIN: Tarragona, Cartagena, and Algeciras
  • GREECE: Pachi Megara
  • ITALY: Augusta ISAB terminal, Falconara, Milazzo, Sarroch (during summer), and Savona
  • FRANCE: Fos
  • MALTA: OPL Malta



  •  I was supposed to be aboard “Le Studio 45,” a historic Swiss lounge cruiser, for Zurich Shipping Network drinks tonight (4th July)! Sadly, a broken wrist had other plans for me. Wishing everyone attending and the organizers a wonderful evening!


Looking forward to seeing you all and raising a glass together in the future (with my left hand)! 🥂


➡️ Book a port call with me, Martaxelle Erussard

📞 +41 (0) 22 552 0051

📩 martaxelle@masoceans.com