China has temporarily suspended the entry of foreign nationals
China has temporarily suspended the entry of foreign nationals holding valid visas or residence permits...
The cities might be paralysed, but the seas are still busy
The cities might be paralysed, but the seas are still busy, with over 50’000 vessels...
Shipping in the USA with COVID-19
Vessel regulations and restrictions, remain largely unchanged. National regulations are coming from the United States...
Everything you need to know about shipping in the Middle East during COVID-19
Everything you need to know about shipping in the Middle East during COVID-19 in this...
Middle East immigration and travel restrictions
This report on immigration and travel restrictions during COVID-19 comes directly from the Middle East...
Panama temporarily suspends embarkation and disembarkation
1) Personnel on board that require to berth, will be placed under observation and surveillance...
Do your vessels have port calls in Singapore?
If so, you will find this document from the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore...
How to handle a Coronavirus outbreak on a vessel
Were you wondering how to handle a Coronavirus outbreak on board one of your vessels?...
Happy International Women’s Day!
An equal world is a positive world. This year we celebrate International Women’s Day and...
Is the oil price war starting?
Putin Dumps MBS to Start a War on America’s Shale Oil Industry – read the...