Here we go with the latest operations summary from the Panama Canal.  It’s a special one, looking back over December of 2021 and forward to what’s in store for us this year, starting with Panama Canal lane outages.

Works are planned for Panamax locks and Neopanamax locks in Q1 2022.   Take a look at the table below for details, also available in this report from the Panama Canal Authorities.

Now on to what 2022 has in store for the Panama Canal, including:

  • Increased transits, driven by containerships, liquified natural gas (LNG) and liquified petroleum gas (LPG)
  • USD 2.4 billion in investments to support becoming carbon neutral by 2030
  • Moving to digital by updating infrastructure and systems
  • New, simplified and competitive pricing
  • Read the full report >>> ADV01-2022 Monthly Canal Operations Summary – December 2021








Do you have questions about how the Panama Canal lane outages? Or do you have vessels in Panama and need someone to solve shipping problems before they have even happened? Contact MasOceans SA and together with our local partners in Panama, Capas E.E.V., your port calls will run smoothly.

Capas is our partner in Panama for your port calls in: Bahía Las Minas (Terminal Granalera & Chevron), Colón 2000, Colón Container Terminal, Oil Tanking, Manzanillo International Terminal, Melones Oil Terminal, P.P.C. Balboa & Drydock MEC, Patsa & Potsa, PPC Christóbal & Telfer Tanks, PSA, PTP Charzo Azul, PTP Chiriquí Grande, Taboguilla.


Book a port with Martaxelle Erussard | | +41 (0) 22 552 00 51